Fake Tan: My Top Tips For Flawless Fake Tanning

Did I see sun this week? A glimpse, I hear you say. This can only mean one thing, it’s fake tan season.

For us pale girlies, slapping on the fake tan is a must at this time of year. Having a glowing tan can make such a difference to how you look and feel, it’s basically confidence in a bottle. Now who isn’t there for that?

Being a pale girly myself, my Irish freckly skin needs all the help it can get when the summer kicks in. I do not tan naturally, my journey to tanning is a lot more freckles, a little red, then back to white. Therefore fake tan has been my friend for a long time.

In the pursuit of a sun-kissed complexion without the harmful effects of UV exposure, fake tanning is a popular solution now, more than ever. Living in the UK it’s a great addition to your winter skin routine to maintain a little glow. From self-tanning lotions to sprays and mousses, the options are endless. But achieving that perfect golden hue requires more than just slathering on some product and hoping for the best, I have learnt the hard way.

The thing with fake tan is, no one likes an orange girly, it looks dirty and is not natural, after all a sun kissed natural look is what we aspire to have.

I have tried nearly every fake tan available, mostly in search of the best one in the market. We will all have different preferences, on the type of application. One thing we all want is a nice sun kissed finish, odour free, no nasty streaks and importantly a product that wears off naturally.

This week I have put together my favourite products, that have been tried and tested on my quest for the perfect fake tan, but also the ‘how’ you might have a great product, but you need to know all the hacks to ensure you achieve the best results.

Understanding Fake Tanning:

Before diving into the application process, it's essential to understand how fake tanning works. Fake tanners contain an active ingredient called dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with the amino acids in the outer layer of the skin to produce a temporary tan. The depth of the tan depends on the concentration of DHA and how long it's left on the skin before rinsing off. The longer you leave the tan on your skin the deeper the look. You can choose light/medium/dark options on all brands, this is how the levels of DHA are managed.

Preparation is Key:

Achieving a flawless fake tan starts with proper preparation. Begin by exfoliating your skin thoroughly to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth canvas. Pay extra attention to rough areas like elbows, knees, and ankles to prevent patchiness. Additionally, shaving or waxing should be done at least 24 hours before tanning to allow the skin's natural oils to replenish. Never exfoliate then apply straight away the tan will sit in your pores, so a little bit of planning is required. You can prep the skin in the morning and apply fake tan the same evening this gives your skin time to produce its natural oils which helps with application.

Choose the Right Formula:

With a myriad of fake tanning products on the market, choosing the right formula for your skin type and desired outcome is crucial. Self-tanning lotions are ideal for beginners due to their ease of application and gradual color development. Tanning mousses offer a lightweight, fast-drying option, perfect for those with oily skin. Meanwhile, tanning sprays provide a quick and even application, ideal for hard-to-reach areas like the back. I have tired and tested all formulas, and my favourite by far are the mousse, it’s easy to apply and most products have a guide colour which makes application easier.

Master the Application Technique:

Proper application technique is the key to achieving a streak-free, natural-looking tan. Always start by applying a nice thick moisturiser to your drier areas, so feet, ankles, knees, elbows and hands. Begin tanning by applying a small amount of product to a tanning mitt or glove and blend it onto the skin using long, sweeping motions. Start with the legs and work your way up, using sparing amounts on drier areas like elbows and ankles. I do two applications, but I am fair, so do what is right for your skin tone.

Mindful Maintenance:

Once you've achieved your desired tan, it's essential to maintain it properly to prolong its longevity. Moisturize your skin daily to keep it hydrated and prevent the tan from fading unevenly. Avoid prolonged exposure to water, as swimming and long showers can cause the tan to fade prematurely. When it's time to remove the tan, exfoliate gently to reveal fresh, tan-free skin. I also use a tan remover which can help to remove the tan on certain areas.

Top Tips:

Even with careful preparation and application, fake tanning mistakes can happen. In case of streaks or patchiness, don't panic! Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to buff away any uneven areas, then apply a gradual tanning moisturizer to blend and even out the color. For stubborn stains on the hands or feet, lemon juice or baking soda can help lighten the discoloration. We have all done it especially when rushing, moisturising is key.


Invest in good tools to help you achieve the best finish. Buy a good tanning mitt or glove which ever you prefer. I like the velvet mitt from bondi sands. They are good quality, wash well and the product doesn’t soak through to your hands, it’s also double sided which is super helpful when you might want to blend on the reverse side with less product. The alternative is from skinny tan, the advantage about his one is it is pink so the product is more visible. I also use a blending brush, mine is from Isle of Paradise. This brush is perfect for blending around your feet & ankles, it helps smooth the product evenly. For tan removal I use this exfoliating mitt which helps scrub the product off ready for reapplication.

Fake Tan Recommendations:

Out of all the fake tans I have used, Bondi Sands is the stand out winner. It has a huge range to choose from, and the application process and results are by far the best. My go to formula is the foam, due to its easy of application, and lightweight formula. It has aloe vera and coconut, so it leaves you skin feeling really nice. It has a guide colour so it is easy to see when you are applying, and it doesn’t have an awful smell.

You can buy one that needs six hours to develop or you can get a 1 hour express option. They also do a product called Liquid Gold which again is a foam that will develop into a golden tan that is touch dry in seconds, with no need to wash off! The reason I love this one is because, you don’t need to wait, it’s good if you are not a planner and quickly need a solution. This product is your hero!

Another version I would recommend is the bondi sands technicolour. They have developed fake tan to match different skin tones. This is just genius, I tried the cool tone product, and it was very natural and gave great results.

For my face I use a tanning serum, skin care with fake tan, perfect ! Another option I have is a face mist, again brilliant to pop on as part of your make up routine to give you a nice glow. I use the Isle of Paradise Day Dew. This mist has lemon, rosemary & sage oils, so it smells great. It has hyaluronic acid and glycerin hydrate, which helps to lock in moisture all day. I use it before I do my makeup, it’s completely fool proof.

I also use the Drunk Elephant Sunshine Drops. Add a drop or more to your sunscreen, oil or moisturiser (it's too concentrated to be used alone) for a gorgeous glow. This is a real cult product, it’s pricey but lasts for a long time, and looks really great on the skin.

Finally if you have no time and you quickly need some colour especially on your legs if you have them out, the fastest hack is buy Sally Hansen Legs, it comes in a cream or aresol. I use the aresol, and spray it on to the a mitt and apply it to my legs. Super speedy and gives a flawless finish. It is wash off, so keep out of the rain girls !

That’s it for all things fake tan, all that’s left to do is grab your tanning mitt, crank up your favourite playlist, and get ready to add some glow. Enjoy Sx


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