My Peloton Obsession

I bought a peloton bike at the beginning of the first lockdown in 2020 and to be honest since then I have been hooked. I guess like some people when you first get a peloton you think ok I’m investing in a spin bike, but you quickly find out it is much more than that. The variety of content available not just of spin classes but strength, yoga and meditation are vast. Then there is the instructors who are truely amazing, they are the celebs of the fitness world you end up building a relationship with people you have never met.

You quickly find your favourite instructor and along with artist themed rides it’s not just a fitness class it is an immersive fitness experience.

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My Favourite Instructors

  • Cody Rigby

  • Leanne Haisby

  • Hannah Frankson

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Best Classes

  • Any music themed rides, Britney, Taylor Swift, Lizzo

  • The Roll Call strength classes which targets upper, lower & core in daily classes throughout the week, again takes the thinking out of strength training.

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  • Going for a walk or run you can take your favourite instructor with you

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  • There is lots of different types but I love the Sleep meditation helps aid a restful night sleep


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